Discover the variety-packed summer programme here and the activities in our region. Experience the breath-taking landscapes and unspoilt natural surroundings during a hike or while mountain biking. Our recommendations can be found here!
Pfänder - The mountain at Lake Constance
The unique panoramic views across all of Lake Constance and to 240 Alpine summits in Austria, Germany and Switzerland makes the Pfänder near Bregenz, Vorarlberg the most famous of the viewing points in the region. From short circuit hikes to an extended hike with sensational views - anything is possible here!
As the premier excursion destination in Vorarlberg, Dornbirn's local mountain has recently gained a twelve metre long walkway. This protrudes from beneath the panorama restaurant over the rocky edge area, enabling you to enjoy uninterrupted, unforgettable views. 'The idea was to create something unique, revealing a wholly different perspective.
You will find a genuine summit experience here. Pay a visit to the Appenzell viewing mountain with its unrestricted "all-round" views. Accessible on foot via various well-kept mountain paths and connected by way of the cable car from Brülisau. And it is not just dreamy views that you get to enjoy in the comfortable summit infrastructure with revolving restaurant, panorama restaurant, sun terrace and shop....
Erkunden Sie die Vorarlberger Alpen mit ihren unzähligen Panoramastraßen und Aussichtspunkten mit dem Motorrad und gönnen sich anschließend eine angenehme Nacht mit kulinarischen Highlights im Hotel Rössle more
Die 18 Loch Anlage des Golfclub Montfort Rankweil liegt zentral im Vorarlberger Rheintal. Golfen in Vorarlberg auf unserem ansprechenden Platz oder ein Golfurlaub im Hotel Rössle erfüllt die Erwartungen unserer Greenfee-Gäste und Mitglieder gleicher Maßen. more